An introduction and guide to the Higher Level Leaving Certificate Comprehensions. Double sided Word document. Includes key question words, hints & tips for approaching the comprehensions and guidance on the ‘trouvez dans le texte’ question where students are asked to find a certain type of word in the text.
2 word docs based on 'Les professions/Les métiers' in French.
First documents is a well laid-out grid with key professions that students need to know for the French Junior Cert exam (Could be added to for older students). French is written in, Students write the English in, either in class with the teacher, or at home. This can be used as a dictionary task.
Second document is a one page word document worksheet based on the professions/jobs in French. Contains one translation exercise and one comprehension exercise. Could be used for HW, class task or exam.
Worksheets to be sued for a pair activity (listening & comprehension). Description of a bedroom ('La chambre' vocab and prepositions revision) and an empty box on each worksheet. Students must listen to their partner read the description and draw the image to correspond with the paragraph. Each bedroom description is different.
The first hand out explains how to make adjectives agree in gender and in number and also gives examples. It is a two page word document and is appropriate for all levels.
The second document is an exam (could also be used as a class activity or as homework) and has two sections; first section is a simple French to English translation and second section is a grid in which students must write out the adjectives in feminine and plural form.
Also attached is a worksheet in which students must insert the correct form of the adjective in each sentence and then translate each sentence. Could also be used as an exam.
An 80 slide PPT based on 'Ma maison'. Aimed at HL Junior students or Ordinary level senior students. A different way to present key vocab. Each slide is colour coded (blue/pink/green) to convey the gender/number of the noun. Each slide also has a photo and a word. There are a couple of activity slides too e.g. write a paragraph about your house, work in pairs to orally describe the bedroom in the photo etc...
Also attached is a comprehension with English questions which can be used at the end of the PPT presentation in class/for HW etc...
For a more basic 'Ma maison' PPT suitable for junior students and for more worksheets on this topic, see 'My Shop'.
2 word documents based on the subjunctive tense in French. The first handout explains how the tense is formed and gives examples. The second handout is a 2 page list of useful phrases which are formed using the subjunctive. If students are struggling to remember the formation of the tense they can select several phrases to learn off by-heart which can be included in their written work.
A hand out with useful statements for opinion pieces on road accidents in French. A full A4 page of statements. Could also be useful for preparing advanced French students for oral exam.
A complete lesson based on food which can be used to consolidate students’ understanding of the vocab, to facilitate group work/class activity and which also serves as an oral exercise.
First document is a survey where students have to walk around the class trying to find other students who like/hate/are allergic to certain foods. The questions must be asked and answered in French.
Where the survey is complete, the students are given the worksheet. Here they have to categorize the food items under headings (start/main course/dessert) and also have to write answers to 4 French questions as if they were ordering food in a French restaurant.
Students like this lesson as it gives them a chance to get up and move around the class. Suitable for all age groups/levels.
A 38 slide PPT which presents the places and shops in the town using words and real life images. Animations included so that this presentation can be used as a revision exercise/form of assessment (AFL) as well as used to present the vocab initially. last two slides detail very simple oral and written tasks.
A two page hand out explaining when to use and how to form the conditional tense in French. Followed by a short 9 sentence exercise to put the rules into practice.
Simple PPT using images and words to present the weather in French. Worksheet is from French to English and can be used as homework, as an assessment or to recap in class.
For an activity on this topic or a bundle with all 3 resources, see ‘My Shop’.
A grid 6 x 6 with a variety of questions that may come up in an oral exam. I print and laminate these grids. Students work in pairs or small groups to play the game. Each pair will need two different coloured dice. They roll the dice and answer the question corresponding to the numbers on the dice. They take it in turns to ask/answer the questions.
I use this game as a way of revising for the oral exam or for practicing oral French. Most questions are suitable for Junior Cert or Leaving Cert but questions can be changed to suit the needs and ability of your class.
3 word documents based on ‘En ville’ - Places in the town.
A notes handout which revises the use of the preposition ‘a’ in French with the definite article. This reminds the students how to use the verb ‘aller’ with place names.
A simple worksheet based on some places in the town - word translation, sentence translation and writing task.
A second worksheet which gives students a description in French and the students must choose a place name from the word bank that best suits the description.
Suitable for junior French students as an introduction to the topic.
*For a PPT useful for presenting this vocab, see ‘My Shop’. This PPT has many place names along with a photo. This can be used to present the vocab and also to asses knowledge of the vocab.
A 2 page word doc exam based on Ma maison topic. Includes house and bedroom vocab, prepositions household appliances and household chores. Students must translate vocab from French to English, Match up French/English phrases/vocab, translate sentences and describe their own house and bedroom.
For a bundle based on this topic see 'My Shop'.
A 2 page word document worksheet which is based around school vocab and some adjectives linked with school. Students will need to revise adjective agreements to complete the adjective cloze test. Could be used as a class task, homework or as an exam.
Two worksheets based on ‘La Météo’- The French Weather Forecast.
Each worksheet has a map of France and a simple weather forecast. Students work in pairs to read the description written on their page to their partner. Their partner must listen carefully and draw weather symbols/temperatures etc on the weather map on their own page. Then swap roles.
This activity allows the students to practice their oral skills as well as their listening skills. It also allows them to practice key weather phrases and compass points in French.
For a PPT with weather phrases and corresponding pictures, see ‘My Shop’.
30 Images of food items with matching words presented in a PPT. I print and laminate each slide (6 slides per page) and use the pieces as a form of AFL. Students are given all of the pieces and need to match the word with the correct picture. Can make as many sets as you like and students can work individually, in pairs or in small groups. Could also be used for an 'I have, who has' activity. Of course, this can also be used to present the vocab.